I’m like a motorcycle that leans into every curve.

about me

I love to meet people in an honest and clear way, people who are curious, open and looking around, who want to ask good questions about life or sometimes just be quiet and look out for the phenomena of life

I have a great resonance for the awareness and stories of living people with all their charm, fear and love

I visit markets and salsa events where I meet, get to know and observe the most diverse people

Passion and type: movement, sport, dance, silence, fresh air, people

In my private life, I know what I prefer and I stand up for it

Highest values and aspirations: money, freedom, honesty, recognition, movement, moving with life

Let’s say I’m an all-round package

I am motivating and pursue my goals, sometimes the direction is corrected

I have a lot of power and can also be calm, reserved and observant

… reflective, critical / self-confident, agile, headstrong, intuitive & sometimes cerebral

I like people with a profile and people who want to go for something, even if it’s just the search for their purpose, themselves

The dragon is the animal that fascinates me.

The best gift is a smile, a word, a hug with a heart, shining eyes




– NLP- Practitioner (2019-2020)

– NLP- Master (2020-2021)

– NLP Trainerin (2021-2022) Angewandte Kommunikation, W. Kiel

– Systemischer Coach / Berater (2021) Isolde Richter

– Resilienz-Trainerin (2020) AHAB Akademie

– Konzentrations- und Gedächtnistrainerin (2020) AHAB Akademie

– Industriekauffrau (2011)

– Jahrgang ´86